Stomatitis is actually the name for a symptom and not for a specific disease. The doctor speaks of "stomatitis" when the oral mucosa is inflamed. "Stoma" is the Latin word for "mouth". There may be a variety of causes for this and treatment will depend on the precise conditions for oral mucositis.

If there is a simultaneous inflammation of the gums, it is the symptom "gingivostomatitis" (lat. Gingiva = gum). A sole inflammation of the gums, however, the doctor would call "gingivitis". Depending on the cause, stigmata or gingivostomatitis may be the result of gingivitis.

Overview of this article

Causes of Stomatitis

The possible causes of stomatitis are quite different. Conceivable are:

  • a present viral disease, the herpes virus can lead to stomatitis aphthosa herpetic / gingivostomatitis herpetica,
  • side effects of medical measures and certain therapy (for example, chemo- and radiotherapy, psychotropic drugs, injections or infusions), which can cause iatrogenic stomatitis,
  • bacterial infections,
  • bone marrow transplants (acute graft-versus-host reaction),
  • present deficiencies,
  • fungal infections (stomatitis mycotica),
  • chronic diseases (e.g. diabetes mellitus),
  • intoxications related to dental prostheses.

Two relatively common representatives of stomatitis are the so-called oral blight caused by herpesviruses (stomatitis aphthosa herpetica) and the stomatitis denture.

In the case of stomatitis, the large number of triggering factors means that this symptomatology does not even appear, or hardly does at all, if the accompanying circumstances are favorable for the person concerned. It is generally worthwhile to pay attention to a healthy diet, good hygiene and dental care. Also sufficient exercise and recovery provide strong defenses.

General treatment of stomatitis

Since stomatitis can have many different causes, there are no general recommendations for their medical treatment. In any case, the doctor is to be consulted for a clarification of the cause, but the treatment with prescription drugs is not necessary in every case. The therapies to be used depend on the subject and the causative background to the inflamed oral mucosa. Thus, in medicine, especially in stomatitis, a distinction is made according to their causes and course forms.

For severe stomatitis recommended bed rest is. As a food is liquid, after the first healing mushy food for the inflamed mouth area most beneficial. To alleviate the pain, rinse with lukewarm water or chamomile tea. It is not advisable to treat stomatitis without consulting the doctor with medications.

The herpes-related oral blight

Cause of herpes-related oral blight is the virus of herpes simplex type 1 (HSC-1). In particular, in small children it may come at their initial infection with this herpes virus stomatitis aphthosa herpetic / gingivostomatitis herpetica. Occasionally, however, older children, adolescents and adults suffer from herpes-related mouth rot.

As early symptoms,

  • fever,
  • chills,
  • headache and body aches and
  • fatigue symptoms may occur.

The actual herpes outbreak can affect a large part of the oral mucosa and therefore determines the symptoms. It comes to painful redness and herpes typical small blisters. They are filled with a clear or cloudy liquid; they burst and formopen aphids. The mouth rot is associated with bad breath. During the course of the disease, swelling of the lymph nodes may occur, which is normal in infections and indicates the activity of the immune system. In particular, when the virus spreads into the pharynx, dysphagia may occur. Attention: With the spread of the virus over the blood vessels in the entire body, the herpes sepsis, there is danger to life. If you suspect sepsis, do not hesitate to seek emergency medical help from a hospital.

For diagnosis, the oral cavity is examined; if necessary, a swab may be taken for an analysis procedure for the purpose of protection.

For infants, the oral blight is much more dangerous than for older children or adults. Infants and young children with stomatitis are in urgent need of medical care to get through the time of illness. It is also important to ensure that stomatitis does not lead to an undersupply of food and fluids. Chewing and swallowing can be temporarily associated with great pain, and some children refuse to eat completely. If complications do not occur, stomatitis heals aphthosa herpetica after the early symptoms, the following week with a pronounced symptom picture and a two- to three-week healing period.

Due to the risk of infection for others, the possible fever, the risk of sepsis and the pain of eating through pain, not only children but also adults should seek medical attention. The doctor may prescribe antipyretic and analgesic medications.

Treatment of prosthetic stomatitis

Stomatitis can also be triggered by poorly fitting dentures. It is often a stomatitis mycotica, so caused by fungi, often by the yeast fungus Candida albicans, stomatitis. A once-well-fitting dental prosthesis produce over time when the conditions of the jaw change pressure points. These ignite. Three forms of progression are distinguished:

  • The inflammation is locally limited to a smaller place.
  • Further redness indicates the involvement of the surrounding tissue.
  • The inflammation is extensive and causes plastic tissue changes such as nodules.

Denture stomatitis is treated by the dentist who can also examine the prosthesis and the cause of its poor fit. He also ensure hygienic measures and advises the patient to the correct care of the prosthesis, so their application no further health risks. For the treatment of stomatitis, the dentist may prescribe solutions for mouthwash, lozenges or other, depending on the cause.