Dr. M.Sc. M.Sc. Mehrdad Arjomand

Specialized in

  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Endodontics
  • Functional diagnostics
  • Implantology
  • Periodontology

Languages in the clinic

German, English, Russian


  • Specialist in Oral Surgery
  • Master of Science Implantology

About us

Talking, eating, laughing without a problem – of course you must have a perfect smile to be able to do that! The modern dentistry has of lot of opportunities and procedures to restore your teeth and keep them healthy. Keeping teeth healthy is our most important goal! To achieve it we use modern knowledge about the natural potential of the human body, as well as everything that modern regenerative periodontology, modern endodontia and restorative dentistry can offer.

Only when a tooth can be referred to as „definitely lost“, only then we start using implants, artificial teeth roots, that grow permanently into the jaw-bones.

You will be able to talk and laugh again, as you used before! And eat everything that you like!

Our team here in the dental practice Dr. Arjomand und partners in the Berliner Bogen consists of experienced dentists, who are experts in their respective fields: periodontology and implantlogy, prosthetics, endodontia and cosmetic dentistry. They have a long-term experience in saving your teeth or if needed in replacing them with implants. These implants look like real teeth!

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