Dr. Konstantinos D. Valavanis, Dr. Dimosthenis K. Valavanis

Specialized in

  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Implantology
  • Oral surgery

Languages in the clinic

German, English, French, Italian, Greek


  • DGOI - Specialist Area Implantology
  • ICOI - Diplomate

Maroussi (N.Filothei),

+30 210 675 562 0

+30 210 675 550 6

About us

The Athens Dental Institute is undoubtedly one of the most modern Institutes in Athens for your complete dental care. An exclusive, fully equipped practice headed by a team of three highly qualified professionals offers a comprehensive range of individual treatments.
Our aim is to collaborate skillfully and methodically in order to guarantee the best possible options, alternatives and therapy for the patient.

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